5 Best Multivitamin Supplements in India!
Prevalence data shows that heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Heart disease mainly the disease of blood vessels and heart muscle. Common types of heart diseases are:
- Hypertension: High blood pressure due to narrow blood vessels
- Stroke: Poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death
- Atherosclerosis: Deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels leading to Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).
A large number of scientific evidence has reported that nutrition might play a very important role in the prevention of heart disease. In addition, the diet seems to play an important role in the management of other risk factors of heart disease, such as excess weight, diabetes, or dyslipidemia. Always there is the recommendation of a balanced diet containing oily fish, vegetables, fruits, and fiber for the prevention and management of heart disease. But, it is not possible always to consume a balanced diet regularly. To overcome this limitation we can take the help of nutritional supplement which can take care of the health of blood vessels and heart muscle.
Below are the top few 5 nutritional supplements that can help in improving the heart health
1. CoQ10
CoQ10 is also known as coenzyme Q10. It is found in abundance in the Heart Muscle and plays an important role in producing energy in heart muscle. In addition, it slows the progression of atherosclerosis (fatty deposition in blood vessels) by inhibiting LDL oxidation due to its free radical scavenging effect. Thus, CoQ10 supplementation may be helpful in maintaining heart health. Its cellular biosynthesis gradually declines with age. Generally, after the age of about 30, we become more dependent upon dietary sources of CoQ10. We may get a small amount of CoQ10 from Fish, meat, and whole grains but not enough to significantly boost the levels in our body. Thus a supplement of CoQ10 is required to reach the desired level.
2. Omega 3 fatty acids
Dietary omega-3 PUFA, EPA, and DHA play an important role in cardiovascular health and disease. Clinical trials provide substantial evidence to support omega-3 fatty acids in cardiovascular disease management. The cardioprotective benefits of omega-3 fatty acids may be attributed to multiple physiological effects on lipids, vascular function, platelet function, and inflammatory responses.
It is well established that omega-3 fatty acids decrease serum levels of triglycerides. Further Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to play a role in atherosclerosis and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). It is thought that Omega 3 improves plaque stability, decrease endothelial activation, and improve vascular permeability, thereby decreasing the chance of experiencing a cardiovascular event. We may get it from fish, nuts, and seeds that are high in omega-3 fats.
3. Increase Fiber-rich diet
Food is the best source of fiber. Green leafy vegetables are a rich source of fiber. However, if it is not possible to get enough fiber-rich food we may choose a fiber supplement, like Psyllium fiber. It can control the cholesterol levels by inhibiting its absorption in the intestine. It is highly effective when used in conjunction with diet and exercise.
4. Develop the habit of taking Green tea
Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants. It is beneficial in slowing the progression of atherosclerosis by inhibiting the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
5. Garlic
It has been documented in the studies that, garlic can control blood lipids. In a meta-analysis, findings suggest that garlic can decrease the total serum cholesterol levels by 17 ± 6 mg/dL and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 9 ± 6 mg/dL in individuals with elevated total cholesterol levels (>200 mg/dL). It also improves High-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels also improved.
6. Take Omega 3 Supplement
Currently in most of the population consumption of Omega 3 is sub optimal. The intake of marine fish in Indian diets is very low except in some coastal regions, and, therefore, the average intakes of omega-3 is negligible. Low levels of Omega 3 is one of the reasons for cardiovascular disease. In such a case Omega 3 supplementation is essential and helpful in the management of heart disease. You can try Truebasics ultra omega-3 which has triple strength formula enriched with EPA & DHA.