Common Food Myths: That should be busted now
There are various food myths which are prevailing not only in India but all over the world what to eat, when to eat and how often to eat are such questions which usually confuse most of the individuals. We believe in such myths because of they sound like they could be true. Nowadays, we have scientific knowledge and on the basis of that knowledge, we should not believe in food myths. The most common food myths which are still prevalent in our contemporary society are stated subsequently. Common Food Myths: That should be busted now:
Myth №1: Potatoes Make You Fat:
Earlier, people used to think that carbohydrate-rich food such as rice, potato, etc increase body weight. So, for losing or reducing weight they used to eliminate carbohydrate-rich foods from the diet. Now, we know that carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source. Potatoes do not automatically make you fat. So, there is no problem in taking potatoes in moderate quantity.
Myths №2: Fat-free Products Will Help You In Losing Weight:
Fat-free labeled products can lead to weight gain, In fact, these food have more calories. Approximately, these products have the same number of calories (maybe slightly less) in comparison to other regular food. In addition, most of the persons eat more quantity of labeled food under the misconception that it comprises fewer calories. However, they ultimately consume more calories which can cause weight gain.
Myth №3: Eggs Increase cholesterol Levels So Avoid Them:
There is no doubt that eggs are the good source of health. An egg provides you with various nutrients such as protein, vitamins A, B, D, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. It also fulfills the daily requirement of cholesterol by our body. So, taking one egg daily causes no problem with the level of cholesterol.
Myth №4: Drinking While Eating Makes You Fat:
The actual fact behind this misconception is that enzymes and their digestive juices will be diluted by drinking water while eating. It will slow your digestion which may lead to excess body fat. In contrary, there is a scientific fact that drinking water while eating improves digestion.
Myth №5: Don’t Drink Milk Immediately After Eating Fish:
Most of the persons believe that you should not take milk immediately after eating fish. They think that it will make you sick. Some persons think spots can appear on your skin. As a matter of fact, there is no scientific reason for taking milk immediately after eating fish.
Myth №6: Starve Yourself If You Want to Lose Weight:
Eating a good diet is more important than not to eat when you are on a weight loss programme. Include such food items in your diet which suppress appetite and increase metabolism so that you don’t eat too much. So, there is no need to starve yourself if you want to lose weight.
Myth №7: Exercises Makes You to Eat More:
Exercises burns calories which may increase your hunger. Research studies conducted in this area have not shown that the individuals who do exercises consume more calories than those who don’t exercises. So, there is no truth in this statement.
Myth №8: Raw carrots are more nutritious than cooked:
Cooking actually increases carrots’ nutritional value! The process breaks down the tough cellular walls that encase the beta-carotene, there is no truth behind this misconceptions.
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Originally published at on June 15, 2018.